
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life Time Sprint Triathlon Training Day 1/100

For those of you who haven't hung out with me in a while you may not know that I've lost just over 20 pounds since the middle of October. I'm very proud of that fact even though it hasn't really been all that challenging. My weight had been trending upwards and when I got to a new high point I made the decision that enough was enough.

Though a friend who lost a significant amount of weight I found out about and started looking into the Primal Blueprint. To me the basic principles are no (or few) grains, no (or very little) sugar, a good amount of animal protein, lots of vegetables, and move your body. It made a bunch of sense and the food part wasn't as strict as the no-carb Atkins Diet. I love bread and I love my wife's chocolate chip cookie bars and I thought it would be nearly impossible to give those up. But the less I had the less I craved them. Now I'm not even really tempted by a table full of chocolate cake and cheesecake at a party at work.

So I've lost the 20 pounds simply by changing my eating habits. And it has gone really well. But I don't move enough. And according to the Primal Blueprint even "working out" is simpler than you might think. We should walk, we should lift heavy things, and we should go all out every once in a while. So I need to start adding those principles to my life.

With that in mind I am planning on competing in the Life Time Sprint Triathlon this summer. My dad thought that it would be a great event for him, my brothers, and me to do together. I agreed. But it seems like a very daunting task in my current condition. My dad came up with the idea in February and I really haven't done anything in regards to it while he's already completed a sprint triathlon that he signed up for nearly on a whim.

So I need to get my butt in gear and my body in motion and I'm going to try and leverage the power of the modern social network to help me. Including today, I have 100 training days before the race on Saturday, July 13th. My goal is to "train" and post about it on this blog nearly daily and also post regular summaries on Facebook. My "workouts" will range from walks, to runs and bike rides, to swimming at the club, to free weights, to simple body weight exercises (push-ups, squats, etc). That all counts. As of now I'm thinking of dividing the 100 days into 10 groups of 10 and do something on at least 7 out of every 10 days. That will be over 70 days of training.

Report, Day 1 of 100 - A few small steps for a man
Allison and I did a walk we call "the loop" with Boudreaux. I mapped it on and it is 1.62 miles. I didn't time it but I will in the future. I had hoped to do a longer walk but we both got home later than we thought and the sun was going down by the time we got home. It is good to know how long that walk is so I can easily double it. There are a few other nice routes near our house that I'll be mapping soon as well. And a little later I did 15 pushups. I probably could have done a few more but Boudreaux is very curious about anyone on the floor and starts interrupting.

Training Tally
Walk: 1.62 miles
Pushups: 15

That's all for now...until tomorrow.

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